Saturday, September 27, 2008

Missing Baby

Can u spot something special about these pictures......

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mysterious Tree in Hunan

Disclaimer: Some Bad Things That Are Good For You

If you’re one of those people who tends to bottle things up, only to explode … don’t hold it in so long. Studies show that bursts of anger here and there are good for the health, and can be an even more effective coping mechanism than becoming afraid, irritated or disgusted. Anger, like the consumables in this list, however, is best in moderation: stay angry for long periods of time and you’ll be plagued with a host of health issues, like blood pressure, sleep disorders and lung

Coffee: Java is one of the most debated substances around. Is it good for you? Is it bad for you? Both? The consensus, now anyways, seems to favor those who enjoy their morning jolt-unrelated studies claim coffee is a major source of antioxidants in our diet and can help lower your risk of diabetes. Something in the beans is also thought to ease the onset of cirrhosis of the liver and pancreatitis, good news for those who like to party hard all night before their morning caffeine boost.

We’re definitely not in the business of advocating drug use. But check out this interesting science: In heavy drinkers, small doses of LSD have been thought to help bypass the rock-bottom stage of alcoholism and prevent relapses. These studies-some decades old-were done in closely monitored, clinical settings; many patients haven’t had a drink in the many years since. It’s an interesting finding that needs a lot more investigation, and not a remedy that should ever be tried at home. Meantime, and this may come as no surprise, recent study of 36 volunteers who took an LSD-like drug in a lab setting had them reporting mystical experiences and behavior changes that lasted for weeks.

Exposure to the sun’s rays is necessary to survive, but can also kill you in gross, cancerous quantities. Asthmatics, at least, could benefit from measured doses of ultraviolet rays, according to scientists. Sunlight suppressed the immune reactions that cause asthma in some lab studies with mice and could be used to treat humans afflicted with the disease in the future. And sunlight-even if indirect, such as on a shaded porch-is known to boost the mood. Extra sunlight can help office workers avoid afternoon drowsiness, a recent study found. There’s still no excuse to head outside and bake, however.

They’re creepy, slimy and altogether ooky, but maggots can save your life. These squirmy larvae are science’s newest wonder-cure and were approved in 2003 as the Food & Drug Administration’s only live medical device. Placed on serious wounds, maggots mimic their “wild” lifestyle and munch on bacteria and dead tissue, stimulating healing and helping to prevent infection.

It’s medicinal, we swear! Marijuana, often associated with memory loss, is ironically now being hyped as a way to stave off the ultimate form of memory loss: Alzheimer’s. Recent studies on mice suggest that anti-inflammatories found in the drug prevent the clumping of brain proteins, one major cause of the disease. So when should you start preventative therapy? We suggest waiting for the human studies to wrap up.

Chocolate lovers rejoice: study after study lately has touted the magical benefits of the indulgent treat, which is packed with the antioxidant flavonols that prevent certain cancers and keep your arteries from clogging. The most recent news? These powerful chemicals may even increase blood flow to the brain, warding off dementia. Just stick to the highest cocoa content possible-the bars packed with sugar don’t help your health one bit.

Sex: Scientists have found that the benefits of sex go beyond immediate, ahem, gratification and satisfying the goal of procreation. Besides the obvious evolutionary purposes, we can all take pleasure in the news that having sex is an easy way to reduce stress, lower cholesterol and improve circulation throughout the body. As if you needed another excuse.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Something Special About These Pictures__Can You Guess?

Find out the truth about these pictures if you can

If you can't

Then scroll down for the Answer






The model is MALE

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Rare Prehistoric Shark In Japan

A rare prehistoric shark was discovered by local residents in Shizuoka, southwest of Tokyo. The huge eel-like creature, considered to be a living fossil, was taken to Japan’s Awashima Marine Park and placed in a seawater pool. But the new environment was fatal and, only just a few hours after it was moved, the unusual shark died.

Holy Islamic key sets sale record

The key was sold for a record sum
A 12th Century key to Islam's holiest shrine has sold at auction in London for £9.2m ($18.1m).
The key to the Kaaba - the ancient cube-shaped shrine in Mecca - went to an anonymous bidder at Sotheby's.

The auction house said the price set a record for the sale of an Islamic work of art.
Made of iron and measuring 37cm (15in) in length, the key is engraved with the words "This was made for the Holy House of God".

The key was the centrepiece of Sotheby's Islamic art sale, which realised more than £21.5m ($40m) in total.

'Important symbol'
Head of Sotheby's Islamic art department Edward Gibbs said: "Remarkably, the sale realised more than the Islamic department's annual total for 2007, demonstrating beyond doubt the burgeoning and international demand for Islamic art."

The key is the only known example to be in private hands. All of the other 58 Kaaba keys are in museums.

Sotheby's said the key was "arguably one of the most important symbols of Islam".
The auction house said the keys were dedicated to caliphs, starting with the Abbasid caliphs in Baghdad.

"As a physical object, the key to the holiest building of an entire religion, it demonstrates the authority of the caliph and is the ultimate emblem of power," said Sotheby's.

Secret for Longevity

A passerby noticed an old lady sitting on her front step: "I couldn't help noticing how happy you look! What is your secret for such a long, happy life?"

"I smoke 4 packs of cigarettes a day," she said. "Before I go to bed, I smoke a nice big joint. Apart from that, i drink a whole bottle of Jack Daniels every week, and eat only junk food. On weekends I pop a huge number of pills and do not exercise at all."

"This is absolutely amazing at your age!!!!", says the passerby. "How old are you?"


World's Smallest Man Hooked Up with Longest Legs Lady

The world's smallest man hooked up with the lady with the longest legs. He Pingping, who is just 74.61cm tall (2ft 5.37in), posed on steps in London's Trafalgar Square with Russian Svetlana Pankratova, whose legs have been measured at 132cm (4ft 3.9in). That is almost twice his height.

Pingping admitted he was head over heels in love - but not with the lady towering above him. Pingping, who was born with primordial dwarfism, was thinking as ever of his girlfriend back in Inner Mongolia.

The world's smallest man, He Pingping, and the woman with the longest legs in the world, Svetlana Pankratova, both celebrate the launch of the 2009 edition of the Guinness World Records in Trafalgar Square, London.

He said through an interpreter: "I always miss her when I'm not with her." The 20-year-old has been going out with the woman, who is of average height, for six months. He is from Huade County in Wulanchabu, and at the time of his birth was no bigger than his father's palm.

He Pingping met Svetlana at the launch of the 2009 edition of the Guinness World Records book. Svetlana, from Volgograd, lives with her Russian boyfriend on the Costa del Sol in Spain, and is 1m 96cm tall (6ft 4in).

The 36-year-old said of He Pingping: "I heard he was going to be the shortest man, but I didn't realise he was going to be that small. "He seems very happy, he smiles and laughs a lot." Svetlana, who works in a real estate agency business in Spain, already has a boyfriend shorter than herself. "I don't mind dating a shorter person, my boyfriend is 1m 85cm (6ft 1in)," she said.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Keajaiban Solat

Sebagai Iktibar tentang kebesaran Allah s.w.t. Kisah Benar Untuk Dijadikan Ikhtibar. Seorang doktor di Amerika Syarikat telah memeluk Islam kerana beberapa keajaiban yang ditemuinya dalam penyelidikannya. Dia amat kagum dengan penemuan tersebut, sehingga tidak dapat diterima oleh akal fikiran. Dia adalah seorang doktor neurologi.

Setelah memeluk Islam, dia amat yakin akan perubatan secara Islam dan dengan itu telah membuka sebuah klinik yang
bertemakan "Perubatan Melalui Al-Qur'an". Kajian perubatan melalui Al-Qur'an membuatkan ubat-ubatannya berteraskan apa yang terdapat di dalam Al-Qur'an. Di antara kaedah-kaedah yang digunakan termasuklah berpuasa, madu lebah, biji hitam (black seed) dan sebagainya.

Apabila ditanya bagaimana dia tertarik untuk memeluk Islam, maka doktor tersebut memberitahu bahawa semasa beliau melakukan kajian urat saraf, terdapat beberapa urat saraf didalam otak manusia yang tidak dimasuki oleh darah. Padahal setiap inci otak manusia memerlukan darah yang cukup untuk berfungsi secara normal.

Setelah membuat kajian yang memakan masa, akhirnya beliau mendapati bahawa darah tidak akan memasuki urat saraf di dalam otak manusia melainkan pada ketika seseorang itu sedang sujud semasa mengerjakan sembahyang. Urat tersebut memerlukan darah hanya untuk beberapa sukatan yang tertentu sahaja. Ini bermaksud bahawa darah hanya akan memasuki urat tersebut mengikut kadar sembahyang waktu yang diwajibkan oleh Islam. Begitulah keagungan ciptaan Allah.

Jadi barang siapa yang tidak menunaikan sembahyang, maka otaknya tidak akan dapat menerima darah yang secukupnya untuk berfungsi secara normal.

Oleh yang demikian, kejadian manusia ini sebenarnya adalah untuk menganuti agama Islam 'sepenuhnya' kerana sifat fitrah kejadiannya memang telah dikaitkan oleh Allah dengan agama-Nya yang indah ini.


Makhluk Allah yang bergelar manusia yang tidak bersembahyang, apatah lagi yang tidak beragama Islam, walau pun akal mereka berfungsi dengan secara normal tetapi sebenarnya dalam sesuatu keadaan mereka akan kehilangan pertimbangan dalam membuat keputusan yang normal.

Justeru itu, tidak hairanlah jika manusia ini kadang kala tidak segan silu untuk melakukan perkara-perkara yang bertentangan dengan fitrah kejadiannya, walau pun akal mereka mengetahui bahawa perkara yang akan dilakukan itu adalah bersalahan dengan kehendak mereka. Inilah adalah kesan daripada ketidakupayaan otak mereka untuk mempertimbangkan akan perbuatan mereka itu secara lebih normal.

Maka dengan itu tidak hairanlah timbulnya bermacam-macam gejala-gejala sosial masyarakat masakini. Dari itu, marilah kita bersama-sama mengambil ikhtibar daripada kisah di atas. Ambillah Islam secara menyeluruh dan bukannya secara berdikit-dikit.

Dipetik daripada Arab News,
7 Januari (atau Februari) 1987.


Pantun Nasihat

Bicara kali ini tentang batas aurat,
Terutama sekali bagi muslimat,
Kerana kelihatan dalam masyarakat,
Dibuang Islam dijauhi adat.

Yang kelihatan pada remaja,
Batas aurat tidak diambilkira,
Pakaian tersalut ditubuh tak terjaga,
Tanpa malu, silu dan dosa

Tudung nipis terbayang rambut,
Atau rambut terjulur kerana singkat,
Kain dililit kepala pakai ikat,
Jambul tertonjol rasa hebat.

T-shirt menjadi kegemaran,
Nampak ketiak tiada lengan,
Bulu roma jelas kelihatan,
Parut dan tahi lalat bertebaran.

Baju sendat tertonjol dada,
Sepatutnya dilabuh berlaku tiada,
Lelaki melihat menempa dosa,
Menjadi fasiq mudah sahaja.

Seluar ketat menjadi pakaian,
Tak beza lelaki dan perempuan,
Terutama jeans pudar jadi pilihan,
Sarung nangka pun boleh tahan

Apa jadi dengan remaja,
Islam namanya, iman tiada,
Perintah Tuhan buat bersahaja,
Larangan Allah buat selamba,

Allah murka Syaitan senang,
Nabi kata: 'Perempuan berpakaian tapi bertelanjang'
Ada baju tak cukup benang,
dihumban ke neraka cukup malang.

Saya hanya boleh menasihat,
Kepada remaja dan muslimat,
Ikut Islam akan selamat
Ikut syaitan akan dilaknat.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Most Common Emotionally Intelligent Questions to Ask Before Your Marry Someone

1. Is it just sexual attraction?

Sexual attraction comes from the reptilian brain and is automatic and powerful because it relates to our
survival. It's not always a basis for living with someone happily. Don't let it "hijack" you. Find out what else is there.

2. Do they like to touch and be touched?

This is important to your mental and physical health.

3. Do they look at your with affection and kindness?

Most communication is nonverbal.

4. Have you used your thinking brain?

EQ means using all 3 brains. Are you compatible in your daily habits? You'll be keeping house together. Do you have the same values and priorities?

5. Does he or she have emotional self-awareness? How are they at empathy?

One of the most predictive traits for compatibility is if you can sense the other's sadness.

6. How optimistic is this person ?

Optimism is the facilitator of all the EQ competencies. In addition, optimists live longer, enjoy better health, and accomplish more.

7. Are they intentional?

Intentionality, an EQ competency, is saying what you mean and meaning what you say. Also being accountable for the motives behind your actions. If you have commitment to the relationship, i.e., nobody's going to go away, you'll work through problems differently.

8. How resilient are they?

How do they manage adverse events and setbacks? Have they been able to grow through adversity, not just go through it?

9. How do you and your partner manage anger?

Successful couples soothe one another instead of agitating and escalating.

10. How balanced is their life?

Resilient people combine learning, work and leisure throughout their lifetime.

Clicked Just in Time - Interesting

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Do You????

Girl: Do i ever cross ur mind?
Boy: No

Girl: Do you like me?
Boy: Not really

Girl: Do you want me?
Boy: No

Girl: Would you cry if I left?
Boy: No

Girl: Would you live for me?
Boy: No

Girl: Would you do anything for me?
Boy: No

Girl: Choose--me or ur life
Boy: my life

The girl runs away in shock and pain and the boy runs after her and says...

The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind.

The reason why I don't like you is because I love you.

The reason I don't want you is because I need you.

The reason I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die if you left.

The reason I wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you.

The reason why I'm not willing to do anything for you is because I would do everything for you.

The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Mood and the Heart

Mind and Mood can adversely affect the cardiovascular system..

Heart disease can be depressing literally. About 50 percent of hospitalised heart patients have some depressive symptoms, and upto 20 per cent develop major depression, and depression affects heart health.

Patients who are depressed at the time of hospitalisation for heart conditions are two to five times more likely than average to die or to suffer further cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or severe chest pain in the following year.

Mind and mood can affect the cardiovascular system directly by creating a state of emergency readiness, in which stress harmone levels rise, blood vessels constrict and heartbeat speeds up. If a person is seriously depressed or anxious, the emergency response becomes constant, damaging the blood vessels and making the heart less sensitive to signals telling it to slow down or speed up as the body’s demands change, reports the Harvard Mental Health Letter.

Research suggests that the type of antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may benefit depressed heart patients and possibly reduce their risk for future heart problems.. Cardiac rehabilitation programs that sustain patients’ morale and urge them to take better care of themselves may also help reduce the damage depression done to the heart.

Its hard to determine the precise cause and effect in the relationship between depression and heart disease. Symptoms may be similar, and the damage depression does to the cardiovascular system may trigger further depression. Still, the connection is real.. Cardiologists should ask their patients about stress and depression, and patients should not hesitate to bring up these subjects.

So… take care…keep your Mind & Mood cool always…

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